Archive for March, 2012

The Pool Lane

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This morning I was stuck in traffic because a truck flipped over on the other side of the median and, to my frustration, human curiosity and bloodthirst slowed my side just as badly. Anyway, this got me thinking…can pregnant women use the car pool lane? Does a woman and a fetus make two? I obviously think so but is your average highway officer pro-life?


Nothing to Wear

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I come to the conclusion that I have nothing to wear at least twice a week. It is a ritual really. It is an integral part of the vain drama queen role I repeatedly get my Oscar for.
Yesterday, for the first time it was actually true.
The Blueberry popped last week and announced its existence to the whole world. I officially have the belly. I tried to hang on to the rubber band/tank top look as long as I could. But even industrial rubber bands could not keep my pants on now and if I pull my tanktop down to cover my zipper any more it will snap as well.
I purchased some maternity clothes in December but I returned them because I still could fit into my normal clothes and it did not make sense to hold onto maternity sweaters in March. So, I returned them and splurged at BR instead.
Well, yesterday, I was determined to shop till I dropped.
I dropped soon.
It turns out that maternity clothing is really a resale of old REI tents that have been dyed pink–no style, giant, and PINK. Each store made me increasingly livid. At “Motherhood”, or whatever the store name is, the shop assistant had the audacity to suggest a tshirt that read “Princess”. Seriously????
When I regained conscience I was walking out of GAP 200 dollars lighter. Not even sure what I bought.
Unsurprisingly, I ran to BR for some poise. BR never fails me. Yes, I spent another 100 dollars and, no, I cannot wear any of my purchases until the Blueberry comes…still…I felt like a goddess and not like a camping equipment. Totally worth every penny.
Well, on the car ride home it hit me that I just spent 300 dollars and that I was ball of blubber. My anger came back with vengeance. So, when I got home I was a lethal combo of a frustrated shopper/angry saver/unattractive fat woman.
And then David happened…
Instead of telling me to go take a cold shower, he gave me a foot massage and told me unload my grievances. He made me put on my purchases and told me how wonderful my pregnant body looked. Finally, he had me lie down and we listened to the Blueberry’s heartbeat on the Doppler. Then he just sat there with his hand on my tummy. She kicked really hard and we both teared up.
It is so easy to lose sight of what is important.
I am very grateful for what I have. I have so much.




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I sense that being pregnant in the summer is going to be tricky. I spent 5 glorious minutes in the Costco freezing room today under the excuse of examining a particularly fascinating box of strawberries. I usually dart in and out but today I wanted to stay there for my next vacation.

What else?
I have been asked to be a mentor for an undergraduate student. Me a mentor? Seriously? I dont know many details yet but am as flattered as dumbfounded. Especially considering that two weeks ago I spent my commute thinking that I would like to get a mentor myself.

I am attending my first prenatal yoga class tonight. Am super excited.



Wicked Spring Break

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I dont want to do any HW.
I just want to play or sleep.
Bad. Very bad.


San Diego

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Had an absolutely fantastic trip.
We hiked one of the hills around LA for a magnificent view of the city and the ocean. Then spent the rest of the day revisiting David’s old mission stomping grounds. Even ran into some missionaries and David was able to get an update on the changes in the mission. We also rediscovered one of David’s favorite restaurants.

Sea World. Why do we need kids when we have me?

USS Midway – an aircraft carrier. Absolutely fantastic.

San Diego Old Town. The Mormon Battalion exhibit is a must-see.
La Jolla-a romantic walk along the cliffs. Dinner on the beach during sunset.

Walk around the marina.
Balboa Park–I wanted to stay for a week.

Seriously we had a fabulous time. It felt so nice to be together, outside, in the sun and just playing.

Presentation on fraud given by David’s uncle Greg. Life-changing knowledge.

Novell tour with the scouts.

Cousin dinner.
Jennie’s opera in SLC.

Crib mattress shopping.
Family dinner.
Jonnie’s concert.
Post concert cousin party

Where am I????

What a week!!!!


Oooh La La

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Had a super time last night. Ate Pie pizza and went to the Utah vs. Miami game. What a show!

I was just asked to be the President of the MAcc Advisory Council aka student body president for the MAcc program.
Am extremely honored and excited!!!!
I was hoping to be called “Master” and now I am “President”! ;)
I love POWER….yes, this statement is followed by a ominous laugh.



MAcc Social

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Had an awesome time last night. Bowled 130. (Winner bowled 167 and won a $50 giftcard.)
Loved introducing David to all my friends and professors. Got to show David around campus a little as well. Made me very happy to include him in the “school part” of my life. After all, I do spend a lot of time up there.

Overall, we had a rather good turn out and everyone seemed to be having a good time. I had several people come up and thank me for organizing it. I purrrrrrrrrred. I cannot deny the Martha Stewart in me. I am really grateful for being part of something. I never really got involved much at BYU but now I am going out of my way to make friends and be involved.

On a different note, we spent the evening with a lesbian couple–a classmate of mine and her wife. We also met the boyfriend of one of my other friends. Frankly, I had no idea either one was gay though had certain “suspicions”. Provo has not really helped develop my gay radar or whatever the lingo is.
Anyway, both David and I agreed that it is important to broaden our human horizons. We have traveled around the world but I feel that our exposure to the diversity of the human kind has been extremely limited. For heaven’s sake, I have had only one black friend and all my friends are either LDS or atheist.




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Well, clearly my blogging has suffered.
Here is the update…

The Blueberry is doing great. I feel her kicking and poking. We borrowed a doppler and David loves to smear hair gel on my belly and listen to her heartbeat. (Yes, hair gel is a great sound conductor!)
I started going swimming and it is magical. My belly floats! Backstroke is a breeze. Swimming makes me blissfully happy.

Spring break starts next Friday and so, of course, everything is due before then. Every day I either have an exam, a paper, or a presentation. I am busy but LOVING it. I am so grateful for this opportunity I have to further my education and make one of my biggest dreams come true. David has been wonderful in supporting me and helping me.
Tonight we are having a MAcc social. David is coming. I cannot wait to introduce him to my professors and all my new friends.

I try to work in the yard a little every Saturday. Call it nesting. My obsessive buying of baby clothes has calmed down for a little bit. Finally! Instead we bought a recliner and a chest of drawers for the nursery.
We are leaving for San Diego next week to get some vitamin D and have a mini romantic getaway. Am very excited. I really hope we get to go to SeaWorld.
Oh, tomorrow, we are going to the Jazz vs. Miami game. I can hardly wait.

I am so extremely grateful for the Lord’s tender mercies. I know he loves me.
